Emily Dean Photography » Destination Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

    Snow Day 2014

    While hundreds (thousands??) of people were stranded in cars, at work, school, gas stations, etc, I was lucky enough to be stranded at home with a couple of goofy dogs.  I was super excited when I saw the snow start to fall.  I thought, “Yay! Snow day, fun day!” But I quickly realized that may not be the case. Once I realized that there was no chance at all of

    A. having anyone to play in the snow with and…

    B. having anyone to have a photoshoot in the snow with…

    I hunkered down inside with some blankets, a space heater and my computer.  However, after several hours of working and staring longingly out the window at the snow, wishing I could go play, I grabbed my camera and the dogs and headed out for a walk.  I forced these sweet pups to be my models and they were surprisingly cooperative (for about 32 seconds)…then I just focused on the things that couldn’t move 🙂

    While my heart and prayers go out to all of those stranded in not-so-ideal situations, I had a pretty good snow day.  (But I’m happy for the thaw so I can get out and get rid of this cabin fever!)


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