Emily Dean Photography » Destination Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

    Manic Monday | Light at the end of the tunnel

    Hello? Anybody still out there??

    I’ve been MIA for a couple of weeks, but I’m still alive & I can almost see the light through the piles and piles of work I’ve been doing.  I’ve almost made it through my 1st official holiday photo season & Holy Smokes, I didn’t see that coming!  Back in November (which might as well have been 10 years ago, or so it seems) I stupidly thought that December would be slow and I would have tons of down time to focus more on my blog (which has been sadly neglected for the past couple of months) & to finish up some much needed household projects.  Wrong.  Wrong, wrong, WRONG.  W. R. O. N. G.

    Christmas is a little over a week away & I haven’t bought the 1st gift, I finally put my tree up a couple of days ago & I’m still drowning in editing to finish before I leave THIS THURSDAY to spend some time with my mom for Christmas….and somewhere in there I have to find time to actually go shopping?!! Breathe in, breathe out, repeat.

    Even though I’m a tad overwhelmed, I’m incredibly grateful (and a little shocked) for this busy season.  Thank you all for hanging in there with me & if you’re actually here, reading this blog, thanks for sticking around even when I’m MIA.  I promise to do better.

    Now, back to editing!

    Happy Monday, y’all!!


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