Emily Dean Photography » Destination Wedding & Lifestyle Photographer | Based in Birmingham, Alabama

    Feeling the Love | Happy Valentine’s Day!

    Valentine’s Day isn’t the most fun “holiday” for me, or for any single lady out there, I’m sure.  It just ends up being a huge, glaring reminder of just how single we are.  However, this year, I am certainly feeling the love from all of my amazing friends and family.  I’m so blessed to have such awesome people in my life, that I really couldn’t ask for more.

    So, today, whether you’re snuggling up with the love of your life or cuddling up alone with a box of chocolates and a good chick-flick, I hope you are feeling the love today…and if not, just give me a buzz and we’ll wallow in self-pity hang out and have a blast together!


    Oh Ryan……will you be my Valentine?!


    Happy Valentine’s Day, y’all!! Be sure to tune in tomorrow for a special deal!!

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